BTFC in Solidarity: WGA Strike Info Session
You asked for a deep dive into the WGA Strike – we made it happen!
Are you a non-union writer concerned about what the strike means for you?
Confused about whether you can #MakeYourWork without becoming a scab?
Concerned about the future of equity for writers in Hollywood?
On Friday, May 12th at 12 PM PT, join the Black TV & Film Collective virtually as we discuss the WGA Strike and how it affects us all!
This conversation features WGA members – Hilliard Guess and Barrett Helms.
Bring your questions and concerns to this info session and get the information you need to navigate the WGA strike.
Meet Hilliard Guess
Hilliard Guess was born in Detroit, raised in the ‘hood near San Francisco, youngest of five in a family pegged “The Cosby Show in the Ghetto.” Hilliard’s a fun, 80s style MOD/Rudeboy/Afro Punk with a knack for writing underdog/redemption stories in the bio, music, horror or murder-death-kill world. His knowledge of the craft and instinct for unique, flawed characters have won him attention or awards at Sundance, Nicholls Fellowship, Scriptapalooza, The PAGE Awards and NEXTV, to list a few.
Hilliard was a writer on the Russo Bros action SYFY series DEADLY CLASS and is an EP on the new rotating genres Digital Series TICKER. He keeps the lights on as an “assignment writer” and is busy developing TV & Film projects for some top producers in town. He serves on the following WGAW Committees: Co-Chair – Committee of Black Writers (w/Michelle Amor & Bianca Samms), Co-Chair – The Education Committee (w/Showrunner Jeff Melvoin) and he’s also a member of the LGBTQ+, Latinx and Genre Committees.
You can also find Hilliard on the cover and featured in the popular iTunes book “THE TOP 100 INDIE WRITERS IN THE WORLD.” Through his company Hilldog Productions, he produces TV Pilots, Films, POC’s, Shorts, Digital Series and Music/Historical Documentaries.
Hilliard also interviews A-List writers at the WGAW Theater, 3rd & Fairfax Podcast and his very own Screenwriter’s Rant Room
Twitter: @HilliardGuess @ScreenwritersRR
Join us at the WGA Strike Info Session to get the information you need to #MakeYourWork!
This event will NOT be recorded.
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