Office Hours: Get Help On Your Project
Need some extra support to help you #MakeYourWork? Let ‘s go!
On Wednesday, May 18th at 3:00 PM ET, chat VIRTUALLY with BTFC Membership Coordinator, actor, writer and producerKellianne Rae Jordan about your project or the BTFC!
During BTFC Office Hours we’ll answer general production questions and provide an environment where you can get advice and feedback on your projects from industry professionals.
How can we better describe them? It’s an open door for any member who would like to just come in and ask a question. Get a second pair of eyes on a rough cut, get some help on budgets, have your script reviewed…
Remember back in the day when our professors had office hours and you would just go in to ask a question or get some help? That is what these office hours are like.
Join us to talk about your project and ideas, so that you’re better equipped to move them forward. It’s all-time well spent.
NOTE: 40-minute slots will be assigned on a first RSVP basis. A Zoom link and form will be sent to you 48 hours before your session. Please block out 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET on your calendar until your slot is received. Limited slots available.
About Kellianne Rae Jordan
Kellianne Rae Jordan is a multi-passionate creative who loves telling stories and helping other storytellers share their work through film, theater and events. She has produced several short films, including the award-winning project, “The Park”. Kelli has also served as a producer of both live and virtual events for local municipalities, nonprofits and private businesses. She is also an established actor and burgeoning writer who has written various works for the stage and for film.
This event is exclusive to BTFC MEMBERS ONLY.
Members, make sure to use your code to access this event!
Interested in becoming a member? Visit www.blacktvfilmcollective.org/join